Friday, June 3, 2011

This is the most important class, here
Here the whiteboard frame and other related frames are attached.

p5.add("West",new Label(" TextBox"));
p4.add("West",new Label(" ChatHere:"));

This code is used to put the Chat button and Text boxes.
There have 1)ToolBox, 2) whiteboard 3) Text 4)Text Box 5)ChatHere 6)Undo button 7)upload 8)Send button
ToolBox- This is contained with Tools that help to draw the figure.
Whiteboard- The place where we draw the figure
Text- when The "Text" is used, the contain of this field is drawn into the whiteboard.
TextBox- The Chat text will be displayed into this field.
ChatHere- This contain of the field will be sent as a chat text.
Undo button- if any1 wants to undo the picture, it will help
Upload- when this button is clicked a new File selection box is opened where the user can choose the appropriate file which is transfer to the other users.

  1. int answer = myApp.fc.showOpenDialog(this);
    if (answer == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)

    File file = myApp.fc.getSelectedFile();

These line help me to create the file chooser.
The Action of Upload button is written in below.


It is used to Get the absolute path of a file.The following Link helps me create the file chooser.!

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