Thursday, June 2, 2011

Aritecture of the system

First i want to mention that i divide the software in two section, Foreground section where all foreground processes or threads are working that take input from user and throw the collected data to background section. The background section is nothing but the Data storage section. When users open the software,automatically this section will be started. The duty of the Background section is to collect ,store and distribute the Data to proper user.
The reason why i choose this concept because of that if i put the Foreground section in any server than it will work like server client architecture.
In the absent of server, The initiator (i.e. who is sending the request to the other clients to join with his module) does the job of the server, in that case all data will be stored into initiator's machine n the client's(including initiator) foreground thread communicate with the initiator background section.

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